Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week #3: Prep update - NZ is getting closer

Week three of my challenge has been quite interesting. The new job and the fever kept me grounded and so I didn't improve much in term of hours of training. I have spent about four hours in training this week, not even close to my target of 24. However, I have the feeling that from next week I will be able to run almost twice a day. Despite all that, I have been able to push hard on improving my upper body strength, but Rome wasn't build in a day and for the moment I simply enjoy sore muscles. I am up to 50 push up and 30 chin up a day. I know, I should do three set of those, but I am not in a rush to build up my strength.

On Sunday I ran the 10km Lake Attack, finished 4th ( in 38m12s - my objective was 40 minutes, so I guess I have pass the test.

Also went for preliminary shopping (window shopping). For my NZ trip I need the following:
- Balaclava about 50$
- Snow gaiters between 80$ and 120$
- New Jacket (anything between 600$ and 1200$)
- Bivvy bag from BlackDiamond about 600$ (

Well, I guess I will rent the bivvy bag from the Alpine guides in NZ. Speaking of costs and dollars, I have made no progress on both the fronts of media attention and sponsorship. Will try again next week and see if I can have a break through.

Finally, I will take on your suggestion to publish more pictures or video. Here is a good one, about an expedition on Everest, a little more than 10 years ago. It's a fascinating story and I hope you will like it despite it tells the story of a tragic event

Once again, I will update you next week. I welcome any suggestion and idea, chat soon.


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